
場内  熊本県北部に位置する温泉郷山鹿市に、日本でも有数の本格的な歌舞伎芝居小屋(劇場)がある。その八千代座は明治44年正月に落成したもので、平成13年秋に大改修工事を終え、再び美しい和風木造大建築物の偉容を誇る姿を現した。


場内  八千代座は本格的な劇場のため、人力による「回り舞台(円形の回転するテーブルで、舞台中央に設置されている)」、「迫り」や「すっぽん」などの設備があり、現役の劇場として板東玉三郎公演など多数のイベントが執り行われている。


History of Yachiyoza Theater】・・・山鹿市資料から抜粋

■The Yachiyoza Theater was built with the support of the Yamaga Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1910. At that time, Yamaga was prosperous as a center of commerce and industry in northern area of Kumamoto Prefecture, and was famed for its hot springs throughout Japan.
■The Theater was built for tow reasons, the first of which was the desire of the people of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to invite their clients out to express their appreciation. And the second points was the high interest shown by the people of Yamaga in popular culture of all types, including the theater.
■The Yachiyoza Theater opened in January 1911, presenting a kabuki drama performed by the Matsushimaya Family. The performance created a sensation throughout the town. The Yachiyoza reached the peak of its popularity in the latter half of the Taisho(1912-1925) and the early Show(1926-1988) eras.
■In the Thaisho era, other forms of entertainment such as silent movies and naniwa-bushi recitals also became popular, joining traditional theater and kabuki drama. In particular, the kabuki drama performed by woman proved extremely popular with the people of Yamaga. In 1917, Tolstoy's "Resurrection" was performed, and a song from the play became a super hit.
■In the Show era, the Yachiyoza Theater began to offer a variety of events: lectures, composite plays where actors performed on stage against images projected on the screen, and competitions for judo, sumo wrestling and boxing. With the end of World War II in 1945, violin recitals and ballet performance were held, inviting famous artists from across the nation. Between 1955 and 1964, the movie industry was in its most vigorous period, and countless movies were screened at the Yachiyoza Theater.

〒861-0501熊本県山鹿市大字山鹿1499 TEL/FAX:0968-44-4004
企業名 取材・撮影 お問い合わせ カテゴリー
ディー・アンド・エルリサーチ 西田親生 お問い合わせフォーム 編集部
観光情報 国内観光情報 海外グルメ情報NEWSTHE ROSETTA STONE
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